Medically reviewed by Minimalist Health Specialist - Written by Gopika Suresh (Journalist) on 01st Feb 2021
How to get rid of tiny bumps and textured skin

Most may have experienced tiny, little bumps on your face. These are quite bothersome as they can take away the smoothness of the skin. However, before you try to get rid of them, one must understand the underlying factors that give rise to the bumps. So, try and find out what kind of bump shows up on your skin. If you are confused, you may even consult a dermatologist for assistance.
Although most bumps on the skin's surface are harmless, some may indicate an underlying issue. Look for any change in color, size, shape, or bleeding of the bump. If you notice any of those, consult an expert immediately. If you want to know more about the different kinds of tiny bumps on the skin and how to get rid of them, keep reading.
Types of bumps and how to get rid of these
Below we have listed some of the most common bumps one notices on the skin.
Comedones are one of the most frequently noticed bumps that appear on the skin. Comedone is the scientific term for a clogged pore. These may appear as either whiteheads or closed comedones and blackheads or open comedones.
A blackhead forms when a pore on the skin is blocked by dead skin cells, sebum or excess oil. In this case, the pores' topmost part is open, however, black. Whiteheads have a head that is closed but develops the same way.
Most dermatologists recommend washing your skin twice a day by using a cleanser made of salicylic acid. Salicylic acid has amazing anti-inflammatory properties that make it a big hit at unclogging stubborn pores.
A type of inflammatory acne, pimples are a widespread concern amongst people, especially adolescents. They look like bumps that are red in color and pus-filled.
Pimples appear when hair follicles are ruptured, and the debris spills over on to the skin's dermal layer. The debris generally consists of dead skin cells and thus causes swelling, resulting in a red bump known as a pimple.
However, remember never to pop a pimple as it can result in scarring and further inflammation.
Most dermatologists recommend using benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid as they are some of the most effective pimple treatments available in the market.
Also known as 'milk spots,' milia is most commonly found amongst newborn babies. But sometimes, they can also be found on the skin of adults and children. These tiny bumps occur near the eye region on the skin and cheeks, and nose too. They arise when the dead keratinized skin cells and oil are trapped below the skin's dermal layer.
Some of the treatment options for milia in the market are alpha-hydroxy acids or AHAs. These help with the exfoliation of the skin, thus removing dead skin cells that cause milia. Milia are harmless almost all the time. However, the sight of it may irritate some people. As a last resort, many people undergo extraction options, however, under an expert's supervision.
Dermatologists claim that every individual has at least one mole on their body. Moles may be either brown, red, or they may even be bumps on the skin. Moles are very much common as several people have them.
Melanocytes are the cells on the skin that help in melanin production, which gives skin its color. Moles are formed when melanocytes grow in clusters rather than spreading out.
Most moles are harmless. There may be an underlying issue if you notice a mole that is beginning to change in size, shape, or color. Although there may be a range of reasons due to which these changes are seen, the most serious is the onset of skin cancer. Moreover, if you notice that a mole is discolored or bleeding, make sure to consult a dermatologist.
If you notice no change in size or any other things, follow your routine of cleansing your face thoroughly twice a day. Use a gentle yet effective cleanser. You may regularly steam to open up any clogged pores. Along with that, you may exfoliate once every week to get rid of any dead skin cells. Lastly, make sure to apply sunscreen (SPF 30 or above) every time you step out of your house.
Xanthelasma is a skin condition that mostly occurs as a sign of high cholesterol levels in the body. If you suffer from this skin condition, a physician might advise you to check your cholesterol level.
It appears as an irregularly shaped yellow or white bump around the eye region and eyelid. Xanthelasma comprises cholesterol that could either be high or bad cholesterol or low or good cholesterol. In some cases, it may be an indication of cholesterol that has been inherited from generation to generation and is called familial hypercholesterolemia.
These can be removed surgically by cryotherapy or freezing at very low temperatures and laser treatment.
Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Sebaceous Hyperplasia is made up of sebaceous glands or the oil-producing glands on the skin that make a typical benign skin lesion. These appear yellow, white, or skin-colored and look like tiny bumps on the skin. When sebaceous glands grow in size, they reach the skin's upper layers and form sebaceous hyperplasia.
Although they are harmless, several people opt to get rid of sebaceous hyperplasia by using isotretinoin Cryotherapy and laser treatment is also used for the treatment of sebaceous hyperplasia.
What you must not do when you have tiny bumps on your skin
Here are some things you must keep in mind when little bumps appear on your skin. Never touch or pick on your skin with hands that aren't clean as they may carry thousands of bacteria that can cause inflammation. Never scrub your face in an attempt to get rid of the bumps and achieve smoother skin. It will only result in the worsening of your condition.
Make sure to use a gentle but effective cleanser rather than a harsh soap that may strip off your skin. Never pick, squeeze or pop a mole on your skin.
How to take care of textured skin and improve it
Never underestimate the power of a sunscreen (preferably of SPF 30 or above). For decades experts have been saying that it is one of the most important factors of a good skincare regime. It will help retain the youthfulness of your skin and its texture. Slathering on sunscreen in your early days will ensure that wrinkles and redness stay away from you for a long time, keeping your skin supple and even.
Next, remember to exfoliate once a week as it will get rid of dead skin cells that can bring a nasty texture to your skin. However, remember to be not too harsh while doing so. One of the most spoken about products in the market today is vitamin C. It has the unique ability to improve skin's texture by repairing any damage from the past and providing future protection from the harmful environment we live in.
Although getting rid of tiny bumps and textured skin will take time for most, the wait will be worth it if you followed the suggestions we mentioned above.