Medically reviewed by Minimalist Health Specialist - Written by Akruti Khandkar (Journalist) on 29th Oct 2020
What are Freckles? How are they caused and how to treat them?

Do your freckles worry you?
Today, freckles indicate a carefree and rare individual, the peppy dot on an outcry point, an eccentric, covetable magnificence beauty—yet it can be a bother for some. Let's know something about your freckles.
What are freckles?
Freckles are tiny, flat, brownish spots that usually occur in the sun-exposed areas. Most of the time, freckles are not dangerous. They appear on your skin because of melanin's overproduction, which is accountable for hair and skin pigmentation.
In simpler terms, freckles originate from ultraviolet radiation stimulation. According to Dr. Dray, freckles frequently occur on fair skin of individuals, blue eyes, blond or red hair. They can occur in dark skin individuals also, but in case of hereditary, she adds.
Types of freckles- Ephelides and Solar Lentigines
Ephelides is the Greek word and clinical term for freckles. These freckles are tan, marginally reddish, or light brown and usually show up during the sunlit months.
They are found on individuals with a fair complexion, and some families, in case of hereditary. Sun protection by using sunscreen can help suppress the presence of freckles.
Lentigines unusually large pigmented spots and most normally occur on sun harmed or sunburnt areas. Lentigines are frequently hazier than the regular freckles and are present in every weather. The number of melanosomes & melanocytes (cells that contain melanin pigment) is ordinary in number and appearance.

There's no reason to quit applying and reapplying at least SPF 30 every day. You should remember there are several skin issues caused by UV rays. So, if you have many freckles, you should be careful about your skin well-being and get your yearly skin check.
What causes freckles?
Two common causes lead to freckles-
- Sun exposure
- Genetic predisposition (hereditary.)
The sunrays and fluorescent tanning lights radiate bright (UV) rays, which magnify the creation of melanin pigment by cutaneous melanocytes when consumed by the skin. A freckle is a massive drop of melanin at one spot in the skin.
Spot check your freckles.
While sunspots and freckles aren't harmful, moles can and can be a little challenging to recognize. Watch out for every one of your spots, and if you notice any of these signs, see a dermatologist.
when the middle of freckles doesn't coordinate, it might be an indication of irregular cells.
Inconsistent color can be a sign of a mole.
Dangerous moles will, in general, have lopsided, scored, or rough edges.
Anything more significant than 1/4 inch could be harmful.
It's imperative to report any changes in size, shape, shading, or height to a specialist.
Are your freckles trying to tell you something?
It is vital:
Freckles can be an indication that your skin might be in danger. Individuals with spots will, in general, have lighter skin, and those with more delicate skin will, in general, be more inclined to skin issues since they have less friendly assurance from UV. Using sunscreen is significant for any skin tone; the presence of freckles raises the stakes.
Regardless of your genes, spots with cancer risk can be mistaken as harmless freckles if not paid attention to.
The normal freckle is brownish and blurs in the winter when the skin gets less sun-exposed. Also, according to URMC dermatologist Dr. Marc Brown, moles, the spots with a high chance of being cancerous, will, in general, be hazier and bumpy and can show up anyplace on the body—even in zones, you can't see. In case you're uncertain, make a meeting with a dermatologist. However, as long as you ensure yourself, don't fear the freckles.
How can you prevent freckles?
Since we can't change our hereditary part of freckling, our primary anticipation measures are focused on the other cause-sun exposure. Here are some ways you can prevent freckles from bothering you:
- Use of sunscreens with SPF 50
- Use of hats that avoid rays of the sun (6 inches)
- Use of sun-defensive attire (shirts, long jeans, long sleeves)
- Seeking shade and staying inside.
- Avoidance of the pinnacle sun long periods of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Preventing freckles is a better option than curing it. The removal techniques are often expensive, and the results are uncertain. Individuals with hereditary freckles should begin sun protection from childhood.
Lighter complexion individuals who are more inclined to freckling and burns from the sun are commonly more in danger of skin cancer. Freckles might be an indication of delicate skin, which is more vulnerable to skin diseases.
What is the treatment for freckles?
Freckles are non-dangerous but are also rarely treatable. A few safe yet costly techniques are accessible to help or lessen the presence of freckles. However, there is a specific combination of medical ingredients that might help you with fading the freckles. Not every person's skin will improve with comparable medicines, and freckles will appear again with UV exposures.
1. Bleaching or blurring creams:
Products containing kojic acid and hydroquinone can be helpful. A higher compound of hydroquinone (over 2%) will require a prescription. These items can help your freckles if applied with consistency and over a reasonable period.
Always play out a patch test before applying on your face as they may cause dryness or irritation.
2. Retinoids:
Dr. Davin Lim suggests to use a combination of retinoid with tretinoin (vitamin A, Retin-A), vitamin C, adapalene (Differin), tazarotene (Tazorac), and other bleaching creams as it may help freckles when applied reliably over time.
3. Cryosurgery:
A light freeze with liquid (NO2)nitrogen in the doctor's office can be utilized to treat a few sorts of freckles. Not all freckles react to this type of treatment.
4. Laser treatment:
Multiple sorts of lasers may help diminish freckles' presence securely and adequately. Like cryosurgery, this is an essential and safe strategy with a high success rate with low risk of skin discoloration
5. Photofacials or Intense Pulsed Light therapies:
Their treatments are another technique to help and eliminate freckles. It is not an exact laser procedure—however, an intense light source.
6. Chemical peels:
This can likewise help freckles and improve irregular pigmentation. They include chemicals like lactic acid or glycolic acid to exfoliate.
7. Sunscreen:
Sunscreen can't treat the existing freckles; however, it can forestall its further turn of events. The best sunscreens are the ones with SPF 30 or higher. Use it consistently during the year. Apply it 20 minutes before going outside and reapply like clockwork.
In medieval times, freckles were viewed as witches' marks. Quit worrying about the fact that men have and will always be similarly helpless as women–straight up there with discoloration, moles, and birthmarks—freckles were supposed to be women's allegiance to Satan.
Let nature be your friend.
A lot of people have supported natural ingredients for lightening the freckles. Here are some of them. Please note that none of the ingredients is scientifically proven.
1. Honey:
Applying a thin layer of honey on to the skin for 5 to 10 min, later washing off with warm water. Love has antioxidant properties, which may assist with helping freckles after some time.
2. Aloe vera:
Aloe vera contains aloin and salicylic acid. It may assist with blurring freckles. Use aloe vera and apply it to the skin.
Utilizing these natural items on your skin will probably not cause any results, yet it is ideal to do a patch test on a little skin zone first. If it causes any skin bothering, quit utilizing the item.
5 useful tips for freckled skin
- Stay out of the scorching sun during the most sweltering hours of the day to ensure your fragile skin.
- Always apply moisturiser after being out in the sun to keep freckled skin smooth and graceful.
- Don't conceal freckles with too much make-up – figure out how to adore your beautiful freckles.
- To even out freckled territories, utilize a forehead pencil to dab in a couple of different places.
- Products with SPF can protect your face from UVA and UVB radiation – remember to use sunscreen for face and body every day.
Freckles are non-dangerous spots on your skin. They make you unique and rare. Don't hide them because of other people's opinions. Run to the path of healthier-looking skin. Just love yourself, love all that makes you extraordinary.